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1) I will not loose sight of who I am in the reflection of who they see. 2) I will not allow fear to cage me in. 3) I will not shy away from flying higher than my wings can carry me. 4) I will not look back and turn to salt. 5) I will not allow their opinions embrace me. 6) I will not dance to music I don't like. Love, Peace & Joy @That Girl Relatable😍😍
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Living in the moment. Inhaling the good air. Feeling it all. Responding to all the good things going on in your life. You deserve that. Enjoy it even if you can’t wrap your head around it. Your freedom is your loudest laugh. Your deliverer is your joy. The warmth on your skin is enough proof that you’re alive.  Move to the beats and drums of the clear symphony in your heart. Embrace it warmly and don’t let it go. Untangle the wires that trap you. The voices that control you. Unwrap yourself and whisk fear away. Brick by brick with love and respect bring down the walls around your heart. Lay bare and feel. Believe it and say it. “It feels good….it feels really good’’. Enjoy the moments that are beautiful in your life. Notice and say them out loud .Celebrate them. Celebrate feeling. That Girl Relatable.😘


It’s unpredictable. It’s unstable. Half of the time, it doesn’t make sense. Curve balls and surprises. I   jounaled daily in private anticipation of my future. Sitting today, that girl was filled with so much life as she penned down her life as it looked through her unmarred eyes. She probably was more alive than she is today. She was more receptive to all that life had to hand her. Of course she did not see the curve balls. She wasn’t as scared. She had a holy bold fear that allowed her to dream and dive all in. Now she over analyses and forgets to live. She is terrified at the thought of new mistakes. But what that girl didn’t have at the time was the resolve to push forward even if. She had plans and no heart.   I am grateful that I dreamt passionately and limitlessly. Because that coupled up with resolve is unstoppable. I do not ever want to wake up from a slumber called my own life. I will pursue staying woke to my dreams and passions. Curve balls and all. ...


Be Kind to yourself.  Love the the life you have today. See people.Notice them. Complement them. Genuinely show concern. Smile at a stranger.Hug a little longer.Someone needs it.You need it. Life can be shitty and unfair.It will try to destroy you.But that's a loosing battle compared to all that is within you.You are a strong woman. You are beautiful. You are light. You can love without feeling unloved.Complement without lacking.Fully celebrate without underrating. You are capable of kindness,not only to yourself but to others as well.You understand her more than you judge her,so love her and be kinder! Love, Peace, Joy That GIRL relatable.😘


Closed doors. See through windows and locked closets mirror our lives.We try to shut ourselves in.To hide our scars and deepest secrets.We do not want anyone to know who we are and where we really are.We disappear in ourselves and the notion that we are all alone. The wind carrying that wave of fresh air, life and rejuvenation is the people you look at right in the eye and close the doors of your life on.That GIRL relatable is free.Free to be and let be.She dances in as the wind blows her face and lets leaves of healing hit her face and receives life. She is vulnerable and open.She is seen for who she is and cherishes all that she wants to be.She can be leaned on.She is warm and free of knots.She understands the language of woman because her doors are wide open and her windows ajar.She is hopeful,not unscarred. She is that GIRL relatable. Love. Peace. Joy. That GIRL relatable.😘


The courage to dive in.😉 The freedom to be for a woman has always been defined by all that is around her apart from her.That she has really lost herself in peoples opinions and expectations of her.In the words of Founding President,SisterHood Agenda ''Gendered expectations fail to consider a girls desires, needs and personality. Everyone around us has decided how we should look,dress,how we should feel, relate,what we should dream and even how to deal with our pain.So we hesitate when we desire to freely and fully express ourselves.We look around,checking for who might be watching. Just in case we miss the set mark of being a version of a "good girl". Then we unfortunately miss out on being. Being the best version of ourselves.Finding out who we really are.What makes us happy.Our dreams and passions.Taking time to search those places deep within.To find freedom and peace in ourselves.Our societal dictators might have pinned us against each other, but our di...

Throw Away Your Towel! NOW LOOK!

It begins at that place of acceptance.    The only way to see your differences from that other girl as something special. See yourself as you are. No. Do not grin or cover the flaws. Throw away that towel. Now look.       Love each part. Touch your body, soul, mind and spirit with a gentleness and kindness they deserve.I hear you.Its far from perfect.And it's okay.Love it perfectly.Submit to what it is now and give it the breath to be better. When you finally allow anyone to touch your body,soul,mind and spirit.Let them find that those places are already warm from your own gentle carresses,unashamed attention and love. Love,Peace and Joy. That Girl Relatable.😘